Hi everyone! My name is Eugenie, and I’m a junoir transfer ucsd student majored in CS.
Below is a inspiring quote that I like:
I never lose. Either I learn or win.
In the past two quarters, I learned much about algorithm and data structures. This is a class header in a Huffman Code Tree project in the CS class I took last quarter:
class HCTree {
HCNode* root;
vector<HCNode*> leaves;
HCTree() : root(nullptr) {
leaves = vector<HCNode*>(256, nullptr);
void deleteTree(HCNode* &node);
void build(const vector<int>& freqs);
void encode(unsigned char symbol, FancyOutputStream & out) const;
unsigned char decode(FancyInputStream & in) const;
This is wrote in C++, my favorite language.
In a class about planning for the future, we made websites about planing the next four years, here’s my website.
Some of my goals:
In my free time, I like drawing and playing vedio games. Here’s some of my drawings:
Some names of my favorite games: